Enzymedica, Digest Spectrum,30片
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- Non GMO
- Digestive
- #1 Selling Enzyme Brand
- Multiple Food Intolerance Formula
- Specialized Digestive Support for Gluten, Phenol, Lactose and Casein
- Dietary Supplement
- Vegan & Kosher
- K-Parve
- No Fillers Added
Food intolerances are caused by enzyme deficiencies and can lead to digestive discomfort in both children and adults. Supplementing the diet with specialized enzymes for gluten, lactose, phenol and casein digestion may assist in lessening discomforts common to intolerance.
Digest Spectrum is a unique combination of high-potency enzymes that provides specialized digestive support for individuals who experience intolerance to foods containing gluten, dairy, phenols,髮旺旺髮旺旺 vegetables and beans.
Thera-blend is an exclusive process that combines multiple strains of enzymes that work in various pH levels. Thera-blend enzymes have been shown to be three time stronger and work more than six times fast than lead床的世界ing digestive supplements.
Enzymedica, Digest Spectrum,無痕褲30片